“Unity, Mutual Understanding and Religious Freedom”
23-24 October 2024
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
The first interfaith dialogue taking place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital city, brings together prominent scholars, Mongolian representatives from diverse faith and non-faith backgrounds, international guests, to foster inter-faith dialogue, promote unity and mutual understating and celebrate religious freedom in Mongolia, while featuring presentations and discussions on the social role of religious organisations and addressing key challenges related to safeguarding religious freedom.
The two-day international event is being co-organised by the Gandantegchelin Monastery, the Center of Mongolian Buddhists, the Institute of Philosophy of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the National University of Mongolia, the International Republican Institute (IRI), Brigham Young University’s J. Reuben Clark Law School International Center for Law and Religion Studies, USA, and the Tritiya Dharmachakra Foundation.
Msgr. Indunil J. Kodithuwakku K., Secretary of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, was among the speakers. In his presentation, he addressed the topic of interreligious dialogue and religious freedom from a Catholic perspective.
After the conference Msgr. Indunil was offered a tour to two Buddhist monasteries.
A visit to the Zuun Khuree Dashchoilin Monastery
From left to right: Ts. Altankhuu, Msgr. Indunil J. Kodithuwakku K., Khamba lama Dambajav Choijiljav, Sr. Francesca
During a visit to the Gandantegchenling monastery Msgr. Indunil J. Kodithuwakku K. presents a gift from the Vatican to Kamba lama Javzandorj Dulamragchaa