PCID announces the publication of Pro Dialogo 170 on Interreligious Hospitality
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is pleased to announce the publication of Pro Dialogo, issue 170, entitled Praxis of Hospitality in the Contexts of Interreligious Dialogue: In View of the Plenary Assembly on Dialogue and Conviviality.
The issue includes articles exploring the theme of hospitality in scriptures of various religions and offers examples of hospitality in action in interreligious contexts.
The PCID hopes the contributions can spark creative thinking about how to bring welcome and hospitality into diverse situations, sometimes offering a counter-witness to major cultural trends.
Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
In this connection, the PCID remembers with gratitude the witness of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, who died this past January 22nd. A gracious host of “religious others,” he worked for peace during his lifetime, inspiring many others to do so.
He died in Vietnam in the place where he became a monk, his “root temple”, Từ Hiếu, near Huế.
Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh is renowned for his spreading of mindfulness practices, his opposition to war, and his promotion of “engaged Buddhism.” In 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.
He promoted interreligious dialogue, working with Catholics and all people for fostering the common good. His name has been frequently cited in the pages of Pro Dialogo.
May his efforts continue to flourish.