Prof. Ravi Nandan Singh
I am very thankful to the esteemed PCID that they considered me for the Nostra Aetate Fellowship. The fellowship enabled many different possibilities of learning that uniquely contributed to my understanding of theology as a vibrant discipline in present day Rome. I was fortunate to be in conversation with The Lay Centre resident scholars who brought their prized discussions of the day from the Angelicum, the Gregorian and PISAI to our daily meals. The openness of the university professors, priests, theologians, and staff, as well as access to the classrooms, chapels and libraries was generous. At the end of the fellowship, I had an opportunity to attend a conference on the Judaic Bible at the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies that offered glimpses into thought that was entirely new to me. As I cherished the discussions it occurred to me that this experience is perhaps going to remain unmatched in my lifetime. I sincerely thank everyone who made all of this a possibility and wish that my experience comes true for many more learners.