Dicastery publishes new volume on synodality

by DID Staff

6 September 2023

As the next phase of the Synod on Synodality is set to open in Rome in October, the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue has published a new volume (no. 173) of its journal, Pro Dialogo, entitled “Inclusion and Solidarity: Understanding Synodality from the Viewpoint of Other Believers.”

The introduction to the volume states that this edition has two goals: “to offer believers of other religions an opportunity to understand how Catholics are moving towards synodality; and to contribute to the synodal path, responding to the thirst of Catholic believers to listen to the followers of other religions about how they think about and practice synodality.”

Volume 173 includes 2 parts: the first contains contributions from authors of other religions about the theme of inclusion and solidarity in their own traditions. The second part is called “Testimonies and best practices of inclusion and solidarity.”

Click here for more information about Pro Dialogo, and to order a subscription.